Tendering & Consulting

Based on a list of Pre-Qualified Suppliers WEM is also able to carry out complete Tender Procedures, strictly adhering to the corresponding provisions of the Donor.
WEM further offers assistance with regard to the budgeting and Procurement Planning and will take over the Monitoring, Controlling and Consulting based on the prescribed conditions.
Due to their longlasting experience in procurement WEM disposes of a substantial list of registrated well known and well reputed suppliers worldwide.
Based on the General Sales Conditions and the Procurement Policy WEM guarantees that procurement and tendering procedures are transparent, traceable and will follow highest ethical standards.


Cooperation with KFW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau):
The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa, has received a grant from the Government of Germany through KfW (Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau) in Germany. It is agreed that part of this grant will be applied for the Investment Component of the Ethio-German Programme for the reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
WEM in cooperation with PLANCO, Hamburg, has been commissioned by the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa, and by KfW to provide technical assistance to the Ministry in implementing the Investment Programme. Implementation of KFW-TVET Program in Ethiopia 2005-2009

Cooperation with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe:
DKH-WEM cooperation in connection with tendering and procurement for Projects around the world strictly adhering all regulations and indications predetermined by governments and/or major Aid Organisations.

PDF: General Conditions of Contract Version 08-2017(PDF)
Procurement Policy & Ethical (PDF)


wem@wem-hamburg.de       +49 (0)4154 / 9999 0-10